THE new principal of Newbold College of Higher Education has taken part in his inaugural awards ceremony.
Dr Philip Brown, who joined the Binfield-based Seventh Day Adventist college last year, was joined by the mayor of Bracknell, Cllr Jennie McCracken, and her consort, Cllr Iain McCracken, for the event, held on Sunday, July 15. Also attending were Wokingham Town Mayor Cllr Peter Lucey and Mayoress Elaine White, as well as Wokingham Town deputy mayor, Cllr Martin Bishop, and his wife and deputy mayoress, Yvonne.Cllr McCracken told the 67 graduates that the importance of education cannot be underestimated for the opportunities that it can yield and congratulated the students and staff for their absolute dedication. The evening’s guest speaker, Kristel Tonstad, came from Oslo where she works as an advisor at the International Law and Policy Institute. Focusing on Amos, Micah and Isaiah and their concern for justice in society she reminded the audience that responding to your calling is not some distant idea, it means labouring in the Lord here and now.Dr Brown said: “We wish all God’s blessings on each graduate as they continue to serve Him in an ever-changing world.
“May you choose to let Him lead you daily – in His way, in His time and for His purposes.”