A Grammy award-winning singer/songwriter who has seen his his family face life-threatening medical issues is getting ready to share his story.
Michael Robert is travelling all the way from Cregon in the USA to perform his powerful mix of vocals and heartfelt lyrics in Reading and Marlow next month – and the concerts are completely free. He’s not alone – his band is coming too and together they will perform an evening of uplifting music for the Revived Hymns Tour. An evening of hymns might seem like a strange choice for a concert, but Michael said that he has recently been moved by the hymns from his youth. “When I first became a Christian, I learned a lot of hymns in Sunday school,” he says. “They are so rich in content. “I enjoy teaching them to my kids and changing them up a little, making them more relevant for today.” The first fruits of this journey through the hymns led to the recording two hits, At the Cross and Crown Him, which have been played on radio stations across the world.Michael’s success and love for the hymns has spurred him on to a new ministry where he gives contemporary arrangements to old favourites, making them fresh for a new generation of worshippers. The Revived Hymns Tour has taken Michael all over the world including Canada and Japan – now he’s coming to us. Michael’s songs mark a milestone in his spiritual journey with some representing a place of rest or conviction and others a time of healing or rejoicing.“Every time I write a song I feel God revealing something new to me,” Michael says, “Showing me a greater aspect of His love and grace, taking me deeper in His love, or putting His finger on an area of my life that needs conviction or healing.
“Life is just full of so many ups and downs. Worshiping God and praising Him puts our lives, and our worries, in perspective. He is on the throne and we can trust Him.”
Michael Robert Smith was born in New Jersey. When he was six, the family moved to a ranch in the middle of nowhere in Applegate, Oregon. He settled into the country life and quickly made friends with the guitar at his early age. It has been his best friend and confidant ever since.Married to Linda, the couple have faced all kinds of trials and tribulations. “We’ve gone through some trials over the years,” Michael understates. “Depression, health issues, kidney problems, open-heart surgery – we’ve been through it all. We are truly thankful for modern medicine and the working of the Holy Spirit. “There is nothing like watching your children suffer to keep you on your knees, to keep you trusting the Lord.”
You can hear more of his amazing story – and powerful voice – when he appears at the concerts later this month. All for free.
Marlow Methodist Church, Spittal Street, Marlowwww.michaelrobertmusic.com
Wednesday, May 22, 7.30pm
St Andrew’s URC, London Road, Reading
For more details, log on to www.michaelrobertmusic.com/