Reading Council holds consultation on money to be used for the good of the community

THE amount of money developers should pay towards community benefits as part of the planning process is the subject of a two-month consultation process, which is currently ongoing.

Known as Section 106 payments, the money is negotiated by local authorities from developers where a planning application is approved. It can then be spent on enhancing or providing local community facilities, such as improvements for local schools, playgrounds and open spaces for example, which are necessary and related to the approved scheme.

The existing Section 106 Planning Obligations guidance document is almost 10 years old and needs to be updated to reflect current costs and priorities. A public consultation on a revised document for Reading will run until 5pm on Friday, September 20.

Tony Page, Reading Borough Council’s Lead Member for Strategic Environment, Planning and Transport, said:

“The negotiation of Section 106 payments is a key part of how the Council delivers benefits to local communities, such as school improvements, enhancements to open spaces, or new transport infrastructure.

“Earlier this year we heard in a Council report how community benefits totalling nearly £2 million were negotiated from developers. That level of community benefit shows why updating this key document, and ensuring current costs and priorities are reflected, is such an important piece of work.”

Further details of the consultation go to