How did the Bible help your family during the First World War?

2014 marks 100 years since the outbreak of the First World War. This will doubtless be a time of much reflection and remembrance nationally so we are hoping that the Bible will have a place in these considerations too.

Delving back over Bible Society’s history, the charity has found many records listing how it has supported our soldiers on the frontline.

A spokesperson said: “We have been heartened to read how much gratitude was shown for the gift of a Bible by the sick and wounded soldiers, by refugees, those held as prisoners of war and for the troops marching to the front. Over nine million Bibles were distributed through the war years – some pocket new Testaments, Gospels and Psalms.”Bearing these vast numbers in mind, we are thinking there must be thousands of stories of Biblical significance in existence. Within your own family and homes there may be stories or heirlooms that you can unveil – particularly from those who served in or lived during the First World War.”Perhaps you have a copy of the New Testament & Psalms from these times which has been left to your family? “May be you have an account of the Bible’s words bringing comfort or peace to a soldier in the trenches, or to a family member waiting at home?”

If you have a story about the Scriptures helped your family through the First World War, Bible Society wants to know. You can contact the charity by This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

For more details, log on to Bible Society’s website.