Volunteers from the last Reading RESCUE in the Spring Lynda Bowyer
Reading RESCUE – Rivers and Environmental Spaces Clean Up Event – is returning this autumn.
The clear up of rivers and towpaths takes place on 9th to 11th October and is once again sponsored by Thames Water. Ten businesses and community groups have committed to clearing rubbish from the hedgerows and towpaths along the waterways to leave a pleasant environment for wildlife and Reading residents.
At the last clear up in March, 360 bags of rubbish were collected by 350 volunteers in addition to furniture, car parts, kitchenware and electrical items. Items that were successfully recycled included scrap metal, scaffolding and glass bottles.
The Council is co-ordinating the clean-up teams and lending litter pickers, bags and gloves to the volunteers. If you would like to get involved, please contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit www.readingrescue.org.uk .
Councillor Liz Terry, Reading Borough Council’s Lead Member for Neighbourhoods, said:
“We recently completed the deep cleansing of the 136th street in our ‘Love Clean Reading’ initiative and it is great to have so many volunteers continuing the good work and making a positive difference to our town.
I’d like to thank Thames Water for working with us and all the community groups and volunteers who continue to come out year after year to keep our local area clean.”
Neeti Bindra Community Investment Coordinator at Thames Water, said
“We’re always proud to sponsor and take part in Reading RESCUE. It’s a great community event which really makes a difference to the town – it’s amazing what all the enthusiastic teams can get done in a relatively short amount of time. As a major employer in the area it’s important to us that we get involved with community projects like this and we’d encourage people to join us in making Reading a cleaner and tidier place to live and work.”
More information about Reading RESCUE can be found on their website, Facebook group and Twitter.