Wokingham’s ‘Green Fingers’ gardening campaign

Wokingham Town Council have a vision and they need your help. They want to encourage the life and vibrancy of Wokingham Town for its existing and future residents and businesses.

One of the ways this will happen is by the council’s Green Fingers gardening campaign.

During April to July any gardener living within Wokingham’s towns boundary can enter the competition. There are several categories including: front garden, back garden,window boxes and containers and also window boxes and containers for entrants with physical or sensory impairments. For the second year there is a new category for residential care homes.

The judging will be undertaken by members of the Wokingham Horticultural Association. This year judging will take place in early July. Gardens are given gold, silver, bronze or highly commended awards with vouchers as prizes. Gold award winners also receive engraved trophies to hold for a year. Prizes start at £10 and gold award winners receive £75.

The Town Mayor will be giving the prizes at the Town Hall on September 14.

The competition is part of Wokingham’s entry in the regional ‘Thames and Chilterns inBloom’ event. This year the Bloom theme is ‘greener streets: better lives’.

Mrs Jan Nowecki, Town Clerk said: “We invite everyone with an interest in gardening to take part. If you enjoy your garden and are pleased with the results of your efforts do enter – it’s the taking part that counts.

“Our town’s entry into Thames and Chilterns in Bloom is very much boosted by the gardening “.

Entries can be made at www.wokingham-tc.gov.uk, in person at the Information Centre at the Town Hall (Mon-Fri 10am-2pm; Sat 10am-3pm)