Goring campers enjoy the sun

Members of Goring Free Church gathered round a campfire for their annual camp Nigel Gordon-Potts

Members of a Goring church enjoyed a leisurely weekend when they went on a camp to Watlington earlier this month.

25 people from Goring Free Church went on the annual church camp, which this year was held over the first weekend in July.

Nigel Gordon-Potts, Goring Free Church’s minister, said: “A leisurely weekend for those of all ages, although mainly involving families, we spent time walking, playing games together and enjoying a traditional camp fire on the Saturday night.

“The camp was rounded off on Sunday morning with a brief devotional, reflecting upon God’s goodness to us, physically and spiritually.

“It was a great time to relax and build relationships as the people of God!”

For more on Goring Free Church log on to its website. 

Last modified on Friday, 25 July 2014 12:56