Residents from around the catchment area of Baker Street Area Neighbourhood Action (BSANA) gathered together at The Oasis Community Centre in Reading for some festive fun.
Food for the event was courtesy of a “bring and share” reception of various nibbles and bites brought in by the neighbours from the Baker Street community. A multi-round quiz took place which proved very popular, and brought out the competitive streak of some of the neighbours, and a free raffle was held with residents winning prizes including a gift set of candy, and a poinsettia. Crafts and jigsaw puzzles were also available for some of the younger members of the neighbourhood.
A community raffle was held and the three main presents underneath the Christmas Tree were gift boxes containing details of some of the fantastic achievements that BSANA has done in the past year. These included the provision of window-boxes to homes in the neighbourhood to brighten the street frontage of homes and the successful installation of a community notice board in the area. Plans were also unveiled for further tree planting in and around the BSANA community with specimen trees at certain strategic points which will provide the area with a further splash of greenery.
For those new to this area of Reading and who wish to get involved in BSANA activities, please visit their new community notice board on Baker Street or visit their website at
Last modified on Monday, 13 April 2015 07:38