Pope Francis Wikipedia
Pope Francis’ powerful call to his flock to put the poor at the top of their agenda has reached the grass roots in Reading.
He says: “If we found in Jesus meaning for our own lives, we cannot be indifferent to those who are suffering and sad,” and asks: “Are we ready to be challenged full-time, showing our commitment in word and deed?”
The challenge was quickly picked up by Philip Egan, the Catholic Bishop of Portsmouth, who has called for “a year of good works, putting faith into practice through deeds of justice and charity in the local community”.
Catholics already have a good record of helping the needy through charities like SVP and CAFOD. But this was a call to reach further.
“We agreed that our first step would be a Volunteers Morning for our Catholic community at which the local charities would set up a stall to promote practical ways of volunteering,” says Father John O’Shea, priest at St James’ Church in Reading.
This event will take place on the morning of Saturday, May 31 at the Church of Christ the King in Northumberland Avenue, Whitley. Up to 20 charities will be represented, ranging from major national ones like Age UK, to smaller community-based projects like CCA and Readifood.
Although initially aimed at Catholics, the morning is open to anyone who would like to know more about the many ways they can make a difference in their local community.
Last modified on Friday, 30 May 2014 14:20