Reading looks to rekindle the Olympic spirit with Sports Forum relaunch

SPORTS clubs from across Reading, Reading 2012 volunteers and members of the public are all are being invited to the re-launch of the town’s Sports Forum, which takes place on Thursday, September 12, at Rivermead Leisure Centre.

A year on from the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, Reading Borough Council is inviting sports clubs, Olympic volunteers and anyone with an interest in sport to the Reading Sports Forum, on Thursday September 12 between 5.30pm and 7pm.

The Reading Sports Forum is a platform for sports clubs and enthusiasts to meet regularly and exchange ideas.

The agenda for the re-launch event includes:

  • An introduction to the Sports Forum by Councillor Paul Gittings
  • A guest speaker sharing their experience of participating in the London 2012 Olympic Games
  • An update on the Reading Sports Aid Fund, one of Mayor Livingston’s charities
  • Guest speakers sharing their experience of volunteering in 2012
  • How people can share their views about what sort of Olympic legacy should be left for Reading.

Paul Gittings, Reading Borough Council’s Lead Member for Culture, Sport and Consumer Services, said: “The Reading Sports Forum is a fantastic platform for sports clubs, people who are passionate about sport and all those local residents who gave their time voluntarily to help make both London 2012 and the visit of the Olympic Torch to Reading such a success.

“By regularly bringing all these people together in one place we want to work on creating a real Olympic legacy for Reading. I’d encourage as many people as possible to try and find the time to attend the re-launch event on Thursday.”

Any sports clubs or members of the public interested in attending or need more information should contact Kate Austin This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 0118 937 5064.