Reading is to get nine new Neighbourhood Teams Phil Creighton
Reading is to get nine new Neighbourhood Teams – all ready to respond to local hot potatoes such as litter, graffiti, fly-tipping, grass cutting and maintenance of public spaces, crime and fear of crime, speeding, road safety and street drinking.
The teams have experience in streetcare, parks and open spaces, housing, anti-social behaviour and neighbourhood initiatives and have been set up as a response to the Love Clean Reading initiative, which saw more than 130 streets receive a deep clean.
A report outlining the implementation of Reading’s new Neighbourhood Working approach will be discussed at the next meeting of the Council’s Housing, Neighbourhoods and Leisure Committee on Wednesday March 18, starting at 6.30pm in the Council Chamber.
Cllr Liz Terry, Reading Borough Council’s Lead Member for Neighbourhoods, said: “We know that the issues most commonly raised at a local level are important environmental issues like graffiti, litter, grass cutting, speeding and other anti-social behaviour.
“It makes sense to group these service areas together on the ground so that they can build relationships with the local community on their patch.
“The success of Love Clean Reading shows the huge difference that can be made by better joining up Council services to provide a more effective service to residents, and that is something we want to replicate here.”