Fugata quintet return to Newbury Spring Festival

Fugata quintet Fugata quintet

2014 heralds a welcome return to the Newbury Spring Festival for the Fugata Quintet, who previously gave an outstanding performance in the Festival’s Young Artists Lunchtime Recital Series in 2013.

The pack of five who make up the Fugata Quintet are Zivorad Nikolic who plays the accordion, Anvastosis Mavroudis on violin, Antonis Hatzinikolaou on guitar, Anahit Chausyan on piano and finally James Opstad on double-bass. Drawing upon their backgrounds in classical, jazz and world music, the Quintet specializes in the music of Astor Piazzola. They bring a dazzling technique and distinguished, expressive sound to the Nuevo Tango style, and are now building on this rich tradition with contemporary works specially commissioned for them.

Their programme, featuring the works of Piazzola, will also include L’Annunziata written for them by Michael Csanyi-Wills which they premiered at the Royal Albert Hall in 2013, and the World Premiere of Inner Dance, a new piece written for the group by Vache Sharafyan. Born in Armenia, he has written numerous chamber, symphonic, choral, and vocal pieces that are widely performed by leading musicians including Yuri Bashmet and the Moscow Soloists.

The performance takes place from 7:30pm at The Corn Exchange Newbury on 15 May, and tickets are priced at £16.50 which can be purchased from the Newbury Spring Festival website which is located at http://www.newburyspringfestival.org.uk/.

For more information about the group, visit their website at www.fugata.co.uk

Last modified on Tuesday, 13 May 2014 09:36