Together In Mission celebrates ‘TiM Friends’ service 1st Anniversary

Cllr Beck makes speech to TiM Friends attendees in Café B

Over 40 local dignitaries, District and Local Councilors, Staff Befrienders and Supporters packed out a special opening of ‘Community Café B’ at Burghfield Methodist Centre on Saturday to celebrate one year operation of the ‘TiM Friends’ Initiative.

TiM Friends is a befriending service for people in Burghfield, Mortimer and the surrounding areas which gives anyone who feels alone the chance to have personal contact with someone on a regular basis. This can be either face to face or through telephone support. The service also provides many opportunities to get out and mix with others. These include: coffee mornings, lunch clubs, outings and ‘Pie & Pint’ sessions just for men.

West Berkshire Council Chairman Jeff Beck was the guest speaker along with support from District councilors Keith Chopping and his wife, Cllr Carol Jackson-Doerge, Cllr Austin Colaco, Cllr Molly Lock & Cllr Royce Longton.

Cllr Beck commented, “The isolation that follows the loss of a loved one can be dramatic, the support and friendship from close friends and an organization such as TiM Friends has proven to be a lifeline towards restoration of everyday living time and again. The work done here is fantastic.”

TiM Friends coordinators Bev French and Sian Laflin also spoke, updating the attendees on the service’s delivery to date and gave special thanks to SMRIN (Stratfield Mortimer Relief in Need, Springboard Reading, Burghfield Parish Council and Burghfield Residents Association (BRA) along with thanking a number of other private sponsors who ‘make it all possible’.

Last modified on Friday, 20 June 2014 19:27